#TheLionessHub #LadyWithPurpose
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By johnsoncrystal | 13th January, 2023 | 655 Views


Today I'll be sharing with you vital information that will effectively improve the quality of the lives of people around you.

If you have decided to spend the rest of your life with someone, or God brought a group of people into your life, you should also be willing to care of and protect them.

Everyone has a weakness, everyone needs a safe haven where they can stay without feeling pain and undue pressure.

Please, take care of your own. 

Take care of things in your possession.

We are living in a society where new ideologies spring up, new laws are made, we see different things on the social media etc and amidst all these learn to take care and protect what is yours. 

For instance, society will tell you that a man should be equally involved in cooking and house chores. That taking care of the home shouldn't just be left alone for the woman etc.

But if your man doesn't know how to cook well or doesn't get involved in house chores, do you now starve him? 

Funny enough the woman who is posting stuff like this on her Twitter still cooks for her husband. Probably the husband doesn't even know where the kitchen is. 

While you are busy fighting your man. 

If your husband loses his job and can no longer provide as he used to, do you now torment him?

Yes, society expects the man to provide, but at this point, you need to protect him since he's out of work.

That's actually when he needs you most.

You cover up for him, do things on his behalf, etc.

No one would even know things are rough for him because you are constantly loving and caring for him. 

The same goes for the man. Some parts of the society will tell you not to give money to a woman etc.

Some will tell you to marry only a woman who is working etc. 

Well, if I've decided to spend the rest of my life with a woman she's entitled to my money whether she's working or not. She should be a reflection of my wealth.

I can't see something good to do for my wife and I'll be thinking twice to do it. Whereas I know that's actually the best for her.

See, you owe it to yourself to take care of your own.

Even as a parent, you shouldn't starve your child to death because he didn't get the first position in an exam or because he didn't do house chores.

Even if your child is grown and should be independent and yet he or she still asks for money or come home to eat, please don't chase him or her away.

You never can tell the struggle they are facing.

I remember after my NYSC I needed to pay rent, sincerely I was broke. 

I had to struggle with my mind and took the courage to call my father to ask him for money. 

A graduate who completed NYSC is still asking for house rent 😿😿

My dad from the tone of his voice over the phone, I could feel the disappointment because I should be the one sending money not the other way around. 

But he sent me the money and I paid my rent.

Ever since I've been the one sending money home, back to back. To the glory of God.

Take care of your own. God has taught us to do so. Even in our weaknesses, He makes his strength perfect. 

Even in our sins and disobedience, He makes his grace abundant.

Finally, there's room for improvement.

We cannot keep living in sin so grace may abound.

A man should be responsible for taking care of the household, a woman should be providing too financially.

A grown-up should be independent and start taking care of his parents.

While they strive to achieve these goals, learn to still take good care of them in the process. 

Your Love and support might be all they need to improve.

We all will give an account to God of how well we've cared, protected, and looked out for what is ours.

Please take care of what God has given to you.

By Johnson Crystal Kalu.

The Lioness Hub